The Accounts Payable Department performs the primary non-payroll disbursement function for the District which plays a critical role in its financial cycle. We process for payment the general obligations of the District in accordance with current state and federal laws, education code, district policies and procedures and audit practices. To comply with this we ensure the accuracy, completeness and appropriateness of payments made to outside vendors for goods and services, to staff for expense reimbursements and to students for grants, tuition refunds, stipends and other reimbursements.
Regular hours: | Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time |
Billing Address: | Rancho Santiago Community College District Accounts Payable 2323 N. Broadway, #404 Santa Ana, CA 92706
Thao Nguyen
| (714) 480-7323
| Manager, Budget & Disbursement Services | |
Debbie Perales
| (714) 480-7355 | Vendor Names D-K
Home Depot Travel Conference A-K
Silvia Valverde | (714) 480-7358
| Vendor Names A-C
Xerox Process TSA/Direct Pays Checks, Utilities
Mileage Claims |
Candi Easter
| (714) 480-7356 | Vendor Names N, O, P Amazon TOE's & Stipends Construction Payments Farmers & Merchants Credit Cards
Request for Checks |

Peggy Land | (714) 480-7348
| Vendor Names L-M & Q-Z
Travel Conference L-Z
Office Depot
| | | |